“Clinical Features and Diagnostic Reliability in Pediatric Laryngopharyngeal Reflux”
September 10, 2017“Evaluation of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux in Pediatric Patients with Asthma Using Pharyngeal pH-Monitoring: The Impact of a New Technique”
September 10, 2017Jones PM, Croffie J. NASPGHAN.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to obtain pediatric normative values for oropharyngeal pH monitoring.
RESULTS: Forty-one children were enrolled in the study. One child had uninterpretable data and was excluded, leaving forty completed studies. Mean age was 11.9 years. Mean BMI was 20.1 and mean BMI percentile was 57. Mean RSI score was 0.825. Mean study time was 23.1 hours. Mean pH in the upright position was 6.98 and 6.46 in the supine position. At the upright threshold currently used in adults (pH 5.5), the 95th percentile values of percent time below that pH, number of reflux episodes, longest episode, and number of refluxes > 5 minutes were 9.95, 39.7, 15.69, and 4, respectively. At the supine threshold currently used in adults (pH 5), the 95th percentile values of percent time below that pH, number of reflux episodes, longest episode, and number of refluxes > 5 minutes were 1.55, 8.9, 8.74, and 1.05, respectively.
CONCLUSION: We have established pediatric normal values for children over age one using an oropharyngeal pH probe to evaluate for LPR. Future analysis will compare this data to adult normative values to determine if discriminatory thresholds are the same for adults and children. Future analysis will also calculate a RYAN score for each child in this group and compare to adult normal values. Finally, we will direct future efforts towards collecting normal values for healthy infants.