“Does PPI Therapy Normalize pH in Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Patients?”
September 8, 2017“Oropharyngeal pH-Monitoring with the Restech Probe for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: A New Reliable Test Before PPI Therapy?”
September 8, 2017Aydin E, Tastan E, Aydogan F, Arslan N, Karaca G. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Dec;40(6):499-503.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate nasopharyngeal reflux in children with otitis media with effusion (OME) using 24hour dual probe pH monitoring and to determine whether nasopharyngeal reflux has a role in the etiology of OME.
RESULTS: In the study group, 25% (5 of 20) of the patients were found to have nasopharyngeal reflux and 30% (6 of 20) of them were found to have esophageal reflux. On the other hand, nasopharyngeal reflux was detected in 3 (15%) of 20 children in the control group, whereas esophageal reflux was detected in 3 (15%) of them. When the groups were compared for the incidence of nasopharyngeal reflux and esophageal reflux, the difference was not found to be statistically significant (p > .05).
CONCLUSION: We detected higher nasopharyngeal and esophageal reflux rates in the OME group, although the difference between the groups studied was not statistically significant. This issue must be addressed in new studies performed in larger series.