“Does Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Cause Intraoral Burning Sensations? A Preliminary Study”
September 8, 2017“Does a Total Laryngectomy and/or Radiotherapy Increase Laryngopharyngeal Reflux”
September 8, 2017Friedman M, Kanwar K, Fischer M, Taylor D, Maley A. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011 Sep;145(2):83.
OBJECTIVES: 1) Report the accuracy of subjective Reflux Symptom Index scores (RSI) and objective Reflux Finding Scores (RFS) in identifying patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) using ambulatory pH monitoring as confirmation. 2) Present clinical recommendations for the use of subjective and objective tools in the diagnosis of LPR.
RESULTS: Among 300 consecutive patients with an RSI score >5, 58.6% were confirmed to have reflux after undergoing 24-hour oropharyngeal pH-monitoring. Of these 300 patients, 146 had an RFS score >5. Among patients with a RSI >5 and a RFS 5 and RFS>5 the positive predictive value (PPV) increased to 71.9% (105 of 146). Therefore, when combined, an RSI>5 and RFS>5 yields significantly higher PPV than RSI alone.
CONCLUSION: Patients with clinical signs and symptoms of LPR based on RSI alone do not demonstrate significant positive predictive value when confirmed with oropharyngeal pH testing, but predictive value is increased greatly when RSI and RSF are combined.