“Detecting Nasopharyngeal Reflux: A Novel pH Probe Technique”
September 10, 2017“Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease in Bronchial Asthma: A Preliminary Report from a Developing Country”
September 10, 2017Burpee TM, Christie DL. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2009:(49):S1.
OBJECTIVES: Our aim was to assess the tolerance of this probe in children and to gain pilot data of the correlation between pharyngeal acid exposure and upper respiratory and oropharyngeal complaints.
RESULTS: The probe was well tolerated in all 27 patients. The number of children with increased pharyngeal acid in each complaint group, stratified by the presence or absence of GER symptoms, is displayed below.
CONCLUSION: The Restech Dx-pH oropharyngeal probe is well tolerated in children. The presence or absence of GER symptoms is not predictive of pharyngeal acid exposure, and pharyngeal acid does not always explain upper respiratory and oropharyngeal complaints. Further studies, including normative pH values, are needed in children.